Week-10 Research Method Reflection

Research Method was one of the most interesting course in Nmit which i have learned .This course mainly gives the idea to lay our skill on research , the way to research about a topic by various task like assignments and blogs and this also taught me to see things in different ways like critically analysis the topic with ethical and unethical ways This is a useful subject that help me to understand various aspects of researching and this will help me for my future studies as well as on for my career.This paper will be helpful to thoses who is going to take project for the next semester or doing research in any area of there interest.

Thank you Lars for make this courses interesting and being helpful.


Question 1 :You find some good images on the web that would look good on your site.  You copy and paste them to your blog.

From my view ,i think it is not ethical to copy the images from the website without referencing the creativity. But it is etical to copy the image which has the right to copy if they are reference in a proper way.

Question 2 :You are in a hurry to finish an assignment and you find the perfect explanation of a difficult concept on wikipedia. You decide to copy it into your work.

Taking explanation from Wikipedia cannot be an ethical problem beacuse we can copy or share the data from the wikipedia webpage which is under ShareAlike license . it would be better if we understand the data from the webpage and explain the topic based on our understanding and our way of writting.

Question 3: You are a medical researcher and you think you have discovered a new drug that cures lung cancer.  It worked well on mice although a few of them died of heart problems. You want to test it on people.  You recruit 100 lung cancer patients into your treatment programme. You don’t tell them about the new drug.  You treat 50 patients with usual drugs and 50 with the new drug to see which is better.

It is unethical because the after effect of the drug can have postive or negative impact to the patients . It can be ethical if we inform the patient about the drug , the effect of using the drug and the result obtained after using this drig on mice and the patient is willing to take the drug in his own risk.

Question 4: You are doing your PhD about drug abuse among students.  You interview 30 students about their drug use. You discover that one of the students is actually a fairly big time dealer and you report him to the police.

Morally it is best way to inform the authorities to take action against the student. But if we are doing our reserch based on the students we have to agree before the reserch that they will not inform situations to the authority.

Question 5: You are a researcher looking at the effect of violent computer games on children.  You recruit 20 children into your study. Over a month you regularly show them images of violence to see if it has an adverse effect on their behaviour.  One of the children becomes quite distressed each time and so you stop showing her images and drop her from the study.

It is unethical, no research should be conducted that would cause harmful effcet to anyone (childern).

Question 6:You want to research how easy it is to hack into your organisation’s computer system by persuading people to divulge login and password details.  You recruit a small team to ring up key people in the organisation and persuade them to give either their own or their boss’s details.

It is unethical , in the way if we are breaking the privacy of the company without a good intention . It can be ethical if we are conducting any reserch that help to find the security of the system .

Question 7: You are doing an initial research in area of a town where may bars and pubs are located, to estimate the level of problematic social behaviour in the area. your research is independent from the police, because you want to observe their behaviour as well. You observe both abusive and violent behaviour.

Doing research that would create a awarness to the society about the problem in there social behaviour is ethical and this situation can be unethical if we are conducting the research without the permission.

Week 9

Area of research interest peer review

This session was based on the project interest area on last week 15th of october. we have to review our colleage post on there area of interest.

I am revewing Arjun post based on his request .He is interested in Drone technology where it can be used in ambulance, health care ,delivery service for making the services faster. Drone technology is a fast pace tehnology , where drone are available in different size , shapes with different types of cameras,sensors ,detector.

He is showing an example where we can use the drone in healthcare to deliver the device at faster rate who is suffering from stoke . He is trying to get or come up with a good idea to implement the drone technology to real life case . Way to improve,modify the drone usage using algorithms . He has the kneen interest to do research in this area of drone technology.


Broad Research/Project Interest Area

Short description of the area of IT that interests you (explain it to me!)

The area in which im interest is in the cryptography in different fields .

Cryptography is a way of protecting information and communications through the use of codes so that only those for whom the information is intended to provide the processed data can access the communication and reply back.

Why is it interesting to you

It was interested to me because i have learned the technology before and was keen to know more about the this techniques in the field of digital environment like cyber security.

Three things you know about it

The things i know in the cryptography is the methods and the alogorithms used in this technology like HASH generator, SHA, AES encrytion ,ciphertext.

Three things you believe about it

Cryptography benefits in giving the confidentiality,Authentication

Three things you don’t know about it

Hybrid cryptography, cryptography in blockchain , Quantum technology in cryptography.

Would you rather: Do something, Research it or Do both

if i get the chance ,i would select both the research and do something .

Paper in digital signature security in data communication

Identifying a possible project Construct 10 (interesting!) question about your topic

1. What’s new advanced technologies cryptography? 2.How is Key Distribution Center used in digital communication? 3.Application of cryptography in Quantum Secure system? 4.How to uses different cryptographic algorithms in security system? 5.How cryptographic interoperability works in digital signature? 6. image cryptography using RSA algorithm in C# 7.Neural cryptography?

Making a choice

Cryptography in Quantum secure system? Quantum therory is the area in which concentrate on bothe the fundamental and applied issues in Quantum mechanism where the cryptography is used to slove the problem of key exchange by providing the information theoritically secure. for more information about the cryptography i will analyse the existing research papers and the case studies. Try to gather information from the real enivornment . Title : Cryptography in digital communication .

Ethical issues: No issues comes to mind . If i take examples from the real world it could effect the people and this may effect the result of the paper.

Intellectual property: This paper will be open for copyright that others can uses the materials.

APA Reference




Whose blog is most useful to other students?

When I started my course in NMIT, i understood that the method of learning /teaching used in NZ is entirely different from the way we had in our country. NZ education system concenrate on pratical aspect than the theory part, However It would help to face the real problem in work field. I don’t usually judge people in any way ,but here i would like to express whose blog is useful for me .Each blog of others are useful for me based on the information they have mentioned in their blog .From thoses i like to mention 2 blogs that i feel useful are Aline and Marcellus. They provide more information for a Questions with images and Quotes. Sometimes i do refer blog of the student who has already completed the RES702 subject which help me to get clarification to my doubts.

Week -7


The IT area/subject I have most enjoyed is …. The subject i like most in this IT are the cloud computing ,database and the design parts. The IT area/subject I least enjoyed is….. web devleopment ,security is the least enjoyed part in ITThe IT area/subject I was most interested in is….. I was most interested in learning database.
The one IT thing I never want to have to do again is………….
Software development is the topic which i would never like to learn it again. I chose to study IT because I  ……
the reson i took IT because i love playing computer games and i like doing HTML while i was studying 7th. If I couldn’t study IT I would study……….. something related to medical field or in management area. When I was a kid I wanted to be………………..
work in medical field like doctor or work in the airport mangement. One IT thing I would like to know more about is   ……..
Cryptograpy which i have the theory knownledge ,i just need to have more idea in the pratical area of the cryptography


Exercise Reading Article


For reading the article ,I choose Google Driverless car . This article was succeeded to mention the basic Question need to be answered such as What the article topic is , What the author did and there conclusion? In this article the authore explain the working goal of vehicles that can shoulder the entire burden of driving by making a Google driverless car that operates in a safe and autonomous without the human intervation .I have got the idea of google driverless car since the author has succeed in this work.

What is articles/ research paper tell us?

Google driverless car which was a drem a decades ago but now we have seen the host of advancement to make the driving safer like parking assist , collision preventitn assistance. Google driverless car is world increasingly car that take over human out of the equation.

This technology step towards improving the road saftey and transming mobility for people.

A Short description on the above article:

This paper tell us about google driverless car which make the driving safe and easy.The director of the stanford AI labortory, Sebastin Thrun guides the project of the google driverless car’s with elucidation: Steering done by istelf, while looking the obstacles, correction of speed limit, on traffic condition GO?STOP by itself. This project work using distance sensors(RADAR),Aerial,postion estimator ,video camera ,LIDAR Google map: with no steeing ,brak or accelator just has a button to start,stop and a computer screen to show the route. Sensors : Real and dynamic environment condition are obtained. a AI : the data obtained from the sensors ,map are sent to AI for determing the acceleration of the car.

The working of the Google driverless car ,the destination is set using the google map and calulate route and start on its way.LIDAR scan the range of 60 meter around the car .the sensor on the wheel monitor the movement to detect postion and the distance sensor find if there is any obstacles.all the data is sent to AI which sitmulates the real time decision and the human control actions.

This paper try to way to implent a safe driving using the google driverless car which is safe by having a limited to 25 mph which restist in roads, seat belt , front of the car is designed to pedestrains as possible with a foam bumper and a flexible windscreen to absorb the engery from an impact witha person body.

Artifical Intelligence (AI) is the method used to implement the safe journey using the google driverless car.

This paper is advanced technology for future that aim at the development of autonomous vehicles for easy transportaion without the driver.

I agree with idea ,through this autonomous cars improvements can be made fuel efficiency ,increses productivty and accessibility that help to minimize loss of control by incresing the vehicle stability thereby minimize accidents by driving error, distraction and drowsiness.


Shweta N. Dethe1 , Varsha S. Shevatkar2 , Prof. R. P. Bijwe3 (H.V.P. Mandal’s College of Engineering & Technology Amravati, Maharashtra, India Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SGBAU Amravati, Maharashtra, India )





In this week we had the group presenttion on the topic meta-analysis with 3 members on our group which include Arjun, Lisha, Shivangi.

Meta-analysis is a technique in which the information are systematically combining reswult of previous research to arrive at a conclusion about the research which is simple to understand. In meta-analysis data are held securely on local,studey based computers.

There are lot of uses of meta-analysis in different field like medical, IT etc.Meta-analyis is useful for summarize abd integrate the result from mutiple studies,increses the estimation effect and generate new hypotheses for future studies.Meta-analysis has been used in IT research mainly in Power BI tool to convert complex database data into simple data.

There are advantange and the disadvantage of the meta-analysis . The advantage of meta-analysis include

  • Result can be generlised to population.
  • Accurate result can be obtained due to the use of more data.
  • Hypothesis testing can be applied on the summary estimates.

Disadvantage of Meta-Analysis Include

  • Poor quality of included studies
  • publication bias which show no effect ,which can lead to the overestimation of true effect in meta-analysis.


Computational ThinkiNG

Computational thinking is a solution to a problem process which includes many characteristic and dispostions.

1st sources of evidence

  • URL used to find more about the computational thinking includes :


  • Search term used : Computational Thinking.
  • How you found it :By searching in google and in google scholar .
  • who wrote it and when: Jeannette M.Wing (2012) a
  • What kind of publication: 1. reserach
  • How Credible: I think it is 85% because these are the research found out as a result of his finding / experiments,the views on this can be varied on different people.

2nd sources of evidence

Search term used : Computational Thinking.

How you found it :By searching in Youtube.

Who created it and when : Paxton/patterson (2018)

What kind of publication: Youtube video

How Credible: i think it is 50% credible because it is a platform where eveyone can upload the videos ,maybe it can be fake .

3rd sources of evidence

URL : computational thinking https://unitec.researchbank.ac.nz/handle/10652/3422

  • Search term used : Computational Thinking.
  • How you found it :By searching in google .
  • who wrote it and when: Mohaghegh, Dr Mahsa; McCauley, Michael (2016).
  • What kind of publication: international journal articles.
  • How Credible: I think it is 85% because these are the journal found out by a person ,the views on this can be varied on different people.

Virtualisation Technology

1st sources of evidence

  • Search term used : Virtualisation Technology .
  • How you found it :By searching in google .
  • who wrote it and when: Richard Scroggins (2017) .
  • What kind of publication: Global journal .
  • How Credible: I think it is 95% because these are the journal is gobally accepted and published.

2nd sources of evidence

URL :Introduction to Virtualization Technologies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eTLBUE_5ew

  • Search term used : Virtualisation Technology .
  • How you found it :By searching in Youtube.
  • who wrote it and when: Cloud Academy (2016) .
  • What kind of publication: Global journal .
  • How Credible: i think it is 50% credible because it is a platform where eveyone can upload the videos ,maybe it can be fake .

3rd sources of evidence

  • Search term used : Virtualisation Technology .
  • How you found it :By searching in IEEE.
  • who wrote it and when: Amir ali semnanian (2011) .
  • What kind of publication: IEEE.
  • How Credible: I think it is 99%, Because the IEEE Xplore is  a  professional collection of academic articles database.



A paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or patterns of thinking, including theories, research methods, postures, and standards for what constitutes a legitimate contribution to the field or paradigm can also be stated as the widely accepted belief or example. Paradigm comes with lots of scientific, business, academic related word which related to set of ideas, where i guess paradigm means facts through which we can interpert the data/ information.

There are lots of example for paradigm from our belif to universly accepted facts , for example  earth being round and there is example from bible that world was created by god.

Scientific paradigm

Scientific paradigm is a frame like structure containing all the views, performance and direction about a subject or research.

Science advances by gaining support for hypotheses that become models and theories over time. But those models and theories themselves exist within a larger theoretical framework. The vocabulary and concepts in Newton’s three laws are examples that scientists have adopted and now form part of the scientific paradigm.

for example we know that every object is attrated towards the earth by a garavitational force if a body can overcome this force it can float in air ie,object is unaffected by gravity from this paradigm we can evalute new ideas, views for new research.

Three main scientific paradigms based on their epistemological and ontological approach are

  • Classical Sciences and the Positivism/ Realism approach

classical way of finding the reality through observation, expereiment and or through personal views.

  • Social Sciences and the Interpretivism/ Social Construct approach

Social paradigm is an theory that guides thinking and research in sociology way.

The Arts and the Anti-Positivism/Nominalism 

Reality depends on our assumption,it cannot be measured as numbers .

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